Wednesday 24 February 2010

Tuesday 2 February 2010


During the planning stages of my product I considered the key concepts of LIIAR. Language is looking at the media terminology, I had to ensure that I knew the terminology for areas in my production such as close ups, medium shots, cross fade and that I understood what effect they created, for example an extreme close up allows the audience to see a characters’ expression and emotion, whereas a long shot would be used for setting the location. Ideology is the idea behind a media product, looking at the beliefs and values in my media production of a music video, the meaning behind it was to create voyeuristic pleasure for my target audience and the way I created this was linking the footage to the lyrics and creating a narrative through it to keep it interesting. Institution is looking at how the band would be promoted. My chosen genre ‘pop/rock’ so I found it easy to find out the conventions for this as there are lots of examples around.