Monday 14 September 2009


A promotional package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with:
  • a cover for its release om DVD
  • a magazine advertisement for the DVD
The purpose of this unit is:

  • To asses my ability to PLAN and CONSTRUCT media products, using appropriate technical and creative skills.
  • To asses my APPLICATION of KNOWLEDGE and show an UNDERSTANDING in EVALUATING my own work and showing how meanings and responses for an AUDIENCE are created.

I will present all my work and findings on this here blog, building up a Media Portfolio week by week.

My Deadline is 18/12/09.


For the main task of my advanced portfolio in media I am going to create a full length music video for a musician from the folk/rock genre of music. Once I have completed the main task i will also complete the two ancillary tasks stated above. To help kick start my work and develop my ideas I have applied LIIAR to the genre of music video i am going to create.

Language - The way in which I present my music video, through images, location, lyrical interpritation, editing, lighting and costume will determine how my target audience perceive it. Modern music videos play on voyeristic pleasure and other conventional techniques in order to appeal to their chosen target audiences and to forfill their needs.

Institution -

Ideology - The ideology behind all music promo videos is to promote an artists song through entertainment offering voyeristic pleasure to a mass audience. This is acheived through different mediums: including the internet, websites such as youtube; TV, on the many music channels; downloaded onto ipods and other electrical devices or released on DVD. Every music video is either performanced baced, narrative baced or concept baced or even a mixture of the three.

Audience -

Representation -

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