Wednesday 5 May 2010

CD digi-pack analysis

All in all I need to create two ancillary texts. For one of the ancillary texts I am going to create a cover for the case my music video would be marketed in. To do this it is important that I analyse various album covers of different artists that would interest my target audience to ensure that I have enough ideas and knowledge for my own product to look attractive and eye-catching but to also appeal to my target audience.

Analysis of front covers:
Fig 1. To the left is the actual album cover for Maroon 5's album Songs About Jane which I have taken the song 'She will be Loved'.
The cover is built up of illustrations and text. As the colours red and black are used, they act as signifies. Red is a code for love, romance, passion and danger. Contrasting with the black which is emptiness or darkness.
The illustration of the female on the cover both sexual and beautiful.

Fig 2. The album cover to the right is the cover for one of Prodigy's albums "The fat of the Land". Prodigy are well know for their up beat, surreal music and therefore the image of this spaced out looking crab reflects their image well. Also because of the way the image has been manipulated to appear like who ever is looking at the crab is dizzy - maybe from all the drugs and alcohol consumed at a prodigy gig and they may be hallucinating.

Fig 3. To the left is the album cover for Pink Floyd's album "Dark side of the moon". The artist has simply taken the already established image of the dispersive prism whereby a Triangular prism is used to disperse light, that is to break light up into its spectral components (the colors of the rainbow).
The Title "Dark side of the moon" is reflected through the imagery, as the left side of the triangle could be acting like the dark side and the rainbow on the right is the light side.

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